Assert yourself

Dates below!

Assert yourself

Ever sat in a meeting with some of your company’s hotshots and you did not dare to speak up to them?

Or are you rather being accused of being «  bossy” or “agressive”?

Or do you hear every year the same mantra:” You are just not visible enough in our organzation”?

Do you often say “Yes” when thinking” NOOOOOOOOOO!”?

Do you excert yourself in excuses when asking for information or help ?

Or are you very direct and people shun from your attitude towards them ?

Or did people ever tell you you are dishonest and manipulative ?

NO SWEAT! Help is on its way!

What to expect?

  • You will have learnt how to say NO, when you mean “NO” and to say “Yes” when you mean” Yes”
  • No hotshot will ever scare you anymore! You learn to speak up in a very polite way, because you are just like any hotshot, a human being, with thoughts and feelings and talents that bring value to the company.
  • You will believe in yourself and your talents
  • You learn how to be more diplomatic.
  • You learn how to build constructive relationships because you aim for win-win situations.
  • You will feel more at ease in presentations, networking events, in front of a difficult client or supplier…
  • You dare to be transparent and talk about what is absolutely important to you, in a neutral way, without any manipulation or drama.

Before you start you get access to 3 online assignments, which will teach you a little bit more about yourself. In the workshop you will get ample opportunity to try out  the various methods that will help you to become ( even) more assertive!

Look into our offer: an online 3 hour workshop: ASSERT YOURSELF for the launching price of € 79,  VAT included instead of €157, VAT included.  Only 6 people allowed per workshop.


21 oktober  2020 09.00-12.00 Nederlands

18 november 2020 09.00-12.00 Français

25 november 2020 09.00-12.00 English