- You want to become a coach yourself, and you don’t know where to start. Do you immediately go for an ICF certification ? Or would you rather gain insight first into what coaching actually is? Observe and learn. After our Basic module you can decide whether it is really something for you, before you make an investment of several thousand euros.
- You manage a team, and you notice that it is very difficult to keep certain team members motivated. Or you are completely out of touch with them or their environment. You want to learn how to guide people in a motivating way. Coaching skills are an important part of this.
- You have launched yourself as a coach (business coach, nutritionist, sports coach…) and you notice that your clients do not always put into practice what they intended to do. They drop out, lose heart .How do you handle that?
- You are a parent and you now work at home with your son and / or daughter next to you who is not so happy with following classes from home, because of the Covid 19 crisis. How can you motivate your children and keep them inspired?
How will you aquire these coaching skills @The 3House?
We give a basic module of 2 workshops of 3 hours.
After that, you can subsribe to the next module: Advanced coaching skills, again in 2 workshops of 3 hours.
You get 20% theory and 50% practical exercises and 30% is personalized feedback and guidance. Handouts are sent digitally just before the workshops start.
Max. number of participants is 6.
What will you be learning?
- What do we understand by coaching? What is it certainly not?
- The attitude of the coach: an ethical code, based on the ethical code of the International Coach Federation.
- Models of the world: each person has an idea of how the world works and what is allowed and not allowed, what can and cannot be done. This model of the world is the basis of how someone speaks about a situation or another person. It is also at the basis of the way we react to and communicate about situations.
- How does our model of the world arise?The ingredients of our model of the world:
- how do we process information?
- How do we use that information to act, react and communicate?
- How do I know how my customer processes and uses her or his information? (eye accessing cues, think-feel-act)
- Where do emotions come from? How to deal with my own emotions and those of others?
- How does our model of the world arise?The ingredients of our model of the world:
- Conversation techniques
- set the frame: what is possible, what is not possible? Room layout, appointments. what can a coachee expect and what not?
- learn how to connect well with your customer.( build rapport)
- learn how to collect information. Different types of questions you can ask.
- GROW coaching technique.
- Set a goal
- What is happening now?
- What are options and obstacles?
- The first step in the new direction and intrinsic motivation.
You have been coaching for a while and now you want more insights and tools to coach on a deeper level.
- Coaching based on the Logical Levels of Dilts
- Why?
- Opportunities and pitfalls.
- Introduction to verbal patterns: depending on how we deal with information, we have learned to express ourselves with combinations of word patterns. A first introduction helps you to guide your customer even better, by asking a different type of question. Your client will gain quickly much deeper insights.
- Emotion management: how do you get from intense (and perhaps frequently recurring) emotions to a state of acceptance and calm, creating room for something new?
- My identity as a coach :
- Who am I as a coach?
- My identity as a coach.
- My strengths
- My weaknesses
- What else can I develop?
WS 1: March 24, 2021 – WS 2: March 31, 2021 each time from 09:00 to 12:00.
Early bird discount € 97, – incl. VAT until March 14, 2021. For that price you get 6 hours of training! From March 15, 2021 you pay € 139, – including VAT.
WS 1: April 19, 2021 – WS 2: April 26, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Early bird discount € 97, – incl. VAT until April 9, 2021. For that price you get 6 hours of training! From April 10, 2021 you pay € 139 incl. VAT.
WS 1: June 1, 2021 – WS 2: June 8, 2021 from 09:00 to 12:00
Early bird discount € 97, – including VAT until May 22, 2021. For that price you get 6 hours of training! From 723 May 2021 you pay € 139 incl. VAT.

Contacteer Veerle Van Dyck voor een kennismaking.
+32 477 23 19 64